Consequences of being caught

The legalization of cannabis has provoked a great deal of response, both for and against. In fact, I have heard good arguments both for and against. I do not now go in to that whether cannabis legalizing is a good thing or a bad thing, and what would be its potential consequences. However I will write about what would potentially happened right know in Finland if you would be caught in the use or possession of cannabis.

The legalizing of cannabis use is reasoned, by the fact that although the use of cannabis is currently penalized, the number of users is still rising. So something is clearly wrong. Is there a fault in our system of punishment or something else? Will it benefit anyone if we impose fines on people who can’t pay them? And how is a user actually  punished in Finland?

If you are over 18, the most common punishment for a cannabis abuse is 10-20 daily finest (päiväsakkoa). If the police consider your act to be minor, you may receive a note from the police instead of fine. This is especially affected by the amount of cannabis you have and also has it taken place in a private place and has not disturbed others.

The police issue about 1,000-2,000 drug-related note each year.

If you are under 18 and you get caught up using cannabis at first time there will follow talking-to by the police. The police can also contact the social services and the parents if they consider it necessary.

If you do not attend the talking-to held by the police or otherwise show your ability to cooperate, the matter is likely to go to prosecution. It may result a fine if the prosecutor orders so. However, if you come to the talking-to occasion and show your willingness to cooperate no other action is required. 

Regardless of whether you were warned or fined by the police, the police always record a misdemeanor in their information system. This information may be passed on to the prospective employer through the Security Police Security Report. 

Security Police security investigations have been carried out this year 48 472.

Investigations are being carried out in areas related to public security. Marking can weaken your chances on the job market.  For example it can make it difficult for you to work as a guard or for some health care duties. It can also make it difficult to access some Universities.

Information on a criminal offense is retained in the police information system for up to three years, but it is changing. The police information system is being renewed, increasing the record retention period from three to five years.


Yle Uutiset,  Jäitkö kiinni kannabiksen poltosta? Accessed 7.11.

Suurin osa Showcasen blogeista on toteutettu osana Laurean opintojaksoja. Koko koulutustarjontaamme voi tutustua nettisivuillamme. Tarjoamme kymmenien tutkintoon johtavien koulutuksien lisäksi myös paljon täydennys- ja erikoistumiskoulutuksia sekä yksittäisiä opintojaksoja avoimen AMK:n kautta!

2 ajatusta aiheesta “Consequences of being caught”

  1. Thank you for sharing these information about drug problems. personally, i did not have any information about this, and your blog made it possible shortly and enough getting familiar with issues. to my opinion, this reminds me of almost same circumstances which resulted from banning alcohol in Finland decades ago. it seems people always try to find a detour if they legally obligated to consume something.

  2. This is an ongoing debate, and a good thing to bring up to discussion. I feel like you shed information well, and had some good points such as the consequences of getting caught. There are for sure aspects that need some fixing in this matter. All in all the blog was a really nice read, thank you.
