Rotary members as mentors in Laurea

RYLA activity is a new way of implement a course. Our project team executes an assignment about the member acquisition for the Rotary Club Hyvinkää. Rotary is a network of influencers that brings together congenial people to do good in their own neighborhood and in the world. Rotary activities are based on local clubs. During the project we found out that Rotary Club Tikkurila cooperates with Laurea Tikkurila and we wanted to find out more about that. For this blog text, we interviewed Anne Salovaara, who is the president of Rotary Club Tikkurila.

For several years, members of Rotary Club Tikkurila have been participated in one of the HR courses in Laurea Tikkurila. 5 or 6 Rotary members participate to the course as instructors and they tell students about leadership and human resource management. This is called RYLA activity, the idea of the activity is for young people to become acquainted with leadership and the aim is to develop decision-making ability, initiative and interaction skills. Rotary Club members participate in the start of the course, but they also visit one time during the course and participate in the final evaluation. Usually students have a long list of questions related to different situations in working life.

Could RYLA activity also be applied on other Laurea campuses? For example, business projects are carried out in collaboration with a working-life partner who defines the assignment to the project. Members of the Rotary Club could participate in the implementation of the project as mentors. Many of the club members are entrepreneurs and they have valuable experience about business. Students would certainly receive valuable information and new ideas from them for the implementation of the project. For other business courses, the Rotary Club members could bring concrete examples from the working life.

Noora Hartikainen, Hilla Uhlbäck, Sara Ollikainen, Anni Louhelainen, Jenna Heino, Anna Pohjola & Ninni Sipponen

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