6 things you should know about AI

Headai sells the service of its own artificial intelligence. With this data-driven approach, it should be possible to act agile and strategically between the fields of the labor market, education, individual companies, and individuals. With their technology, it is possible to bring qualitative data into a globally interoperable form, maximizing the value of data assets. But what is AI actually? And how can it be used in talent management like Headai is focused on? In the following, you will learn about six facts, you should know. 

  1. AI can help companies through the whole employee lifecycle and gives efficient predictions of employees’ performance 

Every staff member goes through a development journey during his time at the company. Although they get specific classes organized by their bosses or just learning subconsciously through the every-day-challenges. However, all the gaining in knowledge increases their value for the company so they are saved in Human Resources. Through AI you can easily follow their progress and see, where the journey leads to. 

  1. AI can be biased if it is set up to be biased 

…but it must not be like that! When using AI and it is focused on creating more ethical Human Resources systems, AI will also work ethically correct. Removing bias from people is more difficult than removing it from AI, as AI learns from humans` input. If the AI algorithm is set to be diverse, demographically unbiased data is used to measure the people in it. In fact, AI can mitigate human prejudice and expand diversity and socioeconomic inclusion even better than humans. The other way around, AI can exacerbate the problem of bias in hiring and homogeneity of work fields. 

  1. In the future, required skills will be mostly related to social, emotional, and higher cognitive skills (e.g., problem-solving) 

…thus, can be said that AI is more a beneficial tool than a rival for human workers. As AI technology works without any unnecessary emotional ties and preconceptions, all employees are treated purely based on work performance. Cognitive artificial intelligence accumulates and analyzes a wide range of personnel data that supports the impartiality of job evaluation and supports superiors in profitable solutions. 

  1. Automation gives tools to employees instead of taking jobs away from humans – AI should be seen as an opportunity that can give extra value to the organization 

The worry of machines taking away the work of humans and humans becoming unimportant is the content of old science fiction movies. Actually, they create new work fields for them. Ever thought about who creates the AI platform? Who works with its results, who maintains it? Progress led us from a primitive times person to what we are today – agile working humans who now have more time to do other important things through the help of machines. Don`t worry and be excited about the future. 

  1. Partnerships are flexible approaches for leveraging the technology (e.g., Headai platform) to transform talent management 

There are AI technologies offered out there for your own business. You don`t need to create your own algorithm. They are experts in their field.  

  1. When organizations invest in innovations, they can evolve more strongly towards digitized talent management 

There is no doubt – digitalization makes our lives easier. Why not use it also for talent management? 

You see, AI with all its advantages compared to past ways of approaching HR Management duties will be the future. I hope you know more now than before about this wide and deep field. Next time, you find yourself in a job interview or as an employee of a contemporarily striving company, be reminded of what is possible. 

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