3UAS Green Exchange Ambassador programme is about exploring student exchange in a green perspective. It is not only about new habits or sustainable lifestyle but also about the cultural and social aspects of a greener future.
We are looking for sustainable ways to travel and participate in our student exchange. We want to share our experience so anyone can find more sustainable ways to travel. You can follow our exchange through our school’s social media.

Here is a little bit about us and our goals in our exchange.
I am Inka and I study Social Services in Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. I am going to Nijmegen, Netherlands for my exchange period. I will be studying in a minor program Creativity and Art at Work in HAN university.
To me green exchange means choosing a greener way of living during my exchange. I am exploring more sustainable transportation, plant-based food and in general my goal is to consume as little as possible. I am also eager to learn from other students from all around the world.
My goal as a Green Exchange Ambassador is to promote train and boat travel with its perks and downsides. I also want to share my journey with sustainable living in the Netherlands which will most likely be a lot of long flat bike lanes and hours on the train tracks.
I’m Nhu and I’m a 3rd-year student at Haaga-Helia. I’m studying Tourism and Event Management. I’m going to Sweden for my exchange study this Autumn semester.
I’m going there with my friend and we are also moving to another house when we come back to Finland after my exchange, which is a lot of traveling. So my goal for this exchange is to optimize our package for light and convenient for traveling to make it more sustainable. I also want to promote a green way of travel.
I aim to keep applying my current tips for greener life into my exchange semester and traveling in general and explore new ways of living a greener life in the destination country.
Becoming one of the Green Exchange Ambassadors means having the chance to share green travel tips to exchange students and travelers-to-be. I hope that I can be an inspiration for living a greener life wherever and whenever I go.
I’m Jenski and I’m studying graphic design in Metropolia. My exchange programme takes place in Kyoto, Japan.
For me, being a Green Exchange Ambassador means aiming to live frugally and searching for possibilities to participate in the community in my exchange destination. I’m interested in buying necessities second-hand, Japanese waste recycling and traveling locally with buses or trains.
My goal as a Green Exchange Ambassador is to explore how far I can go with sustainability, and learn what kind of decisions I make throughout the exchange programme. I wish to provide a realistic outlook; on the other hand, I want to minimize my carbon footprint, and on the other hand, I’m traveling to Japan most likely via plane. I want to take small steps to the right direction while remembering that change, and changing existing structures is hard work.
My name is Saana and I study business service solutions and languages in Haaga-Helia. I am going to CETYS university in Mexico, Ensenada in spring 2023.
My goal as a Green Exchange Ambassador is to find small and easy ways to make my exchange more environmentally friendly. Example I want to buy more local food and services, take shorter showers to save water and consume as little as possible. I also want to see how I could be part of the community there and learn from it and hopefully give something back.
Even if I need to travel Mexico by plane, I want to try to minimize my carbon footprint as much as I can at my destination.
I want to find sustainable solutions to travel and enjoy my destination without overburdening the environment.
Welcome to follow our exchanges on our school’s social media and websites. And don’t hesitate to ask about anything or suggest to us your ideas how we could make our exchange and life more greener.
3UAS is a strategic alliance of the three biggest Universities of Applied Sciences in Helsinki metropolitan area, Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia.
Suurin osa Showcasen blogeista on toteutettu osana Laurean opintojaksoja. Koko koulutustarjontaamme voi tutustua nettisivuillamme. Tarjoamme kymmenien tutkintoon johtavien koulutuksien lisäksi myös paljon täydennys- ja erikoistumiskoulutuksia sekä yksittäisiä opintojaksoja avoimen AMK:n kautta!