5S: The Simple System for Improved Material Flow in Suomen Terästekniikka Service Design Project 

Suomen Terästekniikka Oy and Laurea’s students are collaborating to tackle the client’s material handling issues. In this blog post we will present the project and explain what methods we are using to achieve the objectives. 

Client overview and project goals 

Suomen Terästekniikka Oy is a versatile expert in surface treatment and engineering workshop production, located in Uusimaa, Finland. The company’s operations are divided into four main areas: engineering workshop production, surface treatment, maintenance and lifecycle management, and the manufacturing of CBRN products. 

Our project aims to improve the warehousing system of Suomen Terästekniikka Oy using lean methods. Currently, the company’s warehouse management is poor. Items are piled up in various places without selected permanent locations. The products lack specific coding and are not organized by departments. They use a WMS system, but employees do not utilize it to assist with storage management.  

Suomen Terästekniikka Oy is seeking a straightforward and cost-effective storage system that is both practical and easy to use. The emphasis of the project is on improving clarity rather than accelerating workflows. The primary goals are real-time tracking and efficient inventory management. We are in the process of creating a manual that will provide a clear, step-by-step guide on how to implement a lean warehouse solution. 

Project Team and the Client met in Suomen Terästekniikka’s warehouse facilieties and presented the project plan.

Why we chose the 5s method 

One of the key steps to achieving this goal is the implementation of the 5S method. After researching several lean methodologies, we identified 5S as the most fitting approach for Suomen Terästekniikka Oy’s warehouse. 5S is a simple, cost-effective system that provides a structured approach to organizing and maintaining a clean workspace. 

What is 5s? 

The 5S method, developed in Japan, has gained global popularity for its straightforward and effective approach to enhancing workplace productivity. “5S” refers to five Japanese terms that translate into Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. These five steps provide a structured framework that helps organizations maintain high standards of organization and efficiency over time. Through 5S, workplaces can reduce waste and establish an organized environment that improves productivity and safety.

5 steps for a cleaner workspace

The 5 steps of 5S 

Sort: The process begins by eliminating unnecessary items from the workspace. This includes removing excess, broken, or outdated products, as well as any equipment or machines that are no longer needed. This principle can also apply to minimizing unnecessary movement within the workspace. A useful approach is to tag non-essential items with red labels and move them to a separate area, making it easier to distinguish and organize essential items from those that can be discarded. 

Set in Order: Materials should be organized, and efficient storage systems put in place. Frequently used items should be stored within easy reach to minimize the time spent retrieving them, while items used less often can be placed farther away. Equipment needed only occasionally should be stored in more distant locations. 

Shine: Once everything is organized, the workspace should be cleaned regularly. Any disorganization or issues should be addressed immediately. Routine cleaning not only keeps the space tidy but also helps identify irregularities and potential improvements for storage systems. 

Standardize: After completing the first three steps, the next step is to standardize these practices to maintain consistency. This involves creating reliable, repeatable procedures that employees can easily follow, making the process stable and consistent over time. 

Sustain: The final step is to sustain all previous steps while continuously seeking improvement. Since changing established habits can be challenging, it’s important to support and encourage these adjustments. Properly implemented, the 5S system helps reduce waste, enhances visual management, and minimizes potential errors. 

Benefits of the 5S system 

The 5S methodology provides numerous concrete benefits. First, it increases workplace efficiency by minimizing the time employees spend looking for tools and materials. Second, it enhances safety by logically organizing items and maintaining clean workspaces, which lowers the likelihood of accidents. Third, it improves employee morale; a tidy and organized workspace contributes to a more pleasant and less stressful atmosphere. Furthermore, by reducing waste and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, the 5S system enables companies to cut costs and boost overall productivity. 


By using the 5S method, we aim to help Suomen Terästekniikka Oy create a more organized, efficient, and safer warehouse. This simple and cost-effective approach will improve warehouse operations and support a culture of continuous improvement. Our step-by-step guide, the manual, will provide the tools needed to maintain a lean and well-organized system. 

Teksti & kuvat: Tiia Räisänen

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