Investigating new markets for the RAULI brackets – Renewable Energy Project 

Eight members, four different nationalities and a shared goal. For the project our team is doing a market research for our client – RAULI. RAULI is a company providing high-quality mounting system to install solar panels.

RAULI is a Finnish company that manufactures its products in Orimattila, Finland. The RAULI brackets are made of steel and therefore the mounting system is strong enough against different weather conditions. What makes RAULI special is that the company has put real effort into reducing the time that the solar panel installation process usually takes. 

In the first client meeting a few weeks ago the CEO of RAULI set us the goal for this project. RAULI wants to expand their business internationally. Our goal is to find out what certificates, tests and investments the company needs to make for it to happen and what are the costs of those. We are searching the markets of three different continents.

With the pandemic going on our team is working currently online from home. The team is looking forward to meeting each other face to face in the near future when the restrictions make it possible. As our project team consists of members from Finland, Netherlands, Germany and France some of the members are not permanent students of Laurea and therefore the situation is extra unfortunate. 

(Our project team)

But even in this time of the pandemic when the team working is a bit different, we are still determinate for this project to succeed. Good vibes only! 

Suurin osa Showcasen blogeista on toteutettu osana Laurean opintojaksoja. Koko koulutustarjontaamme voi tutustua nettisivuillamme. Tarjoamme kymmenien tutkintoon johtavien koulutuksien lisäksi myös paljon täydennys- ja erikoistumiskoulutuksia sekä yksittäisiä opintojaksoja avoimen AMK:n kautta!

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