In January 2022, the Mavatech project was launched with the aim of conducting market research and analysis. Mavatech is a subsidiary of Suomen Terästekniikka, which manufactures various types of decontamination devices, for example showers, emulsion spreaders and other decontamination systems. Our task is to explore international interests in these decontamination devices that Mavatech manufactures and sells.
Our target groups are Sweden, Norway, Russia, Germany and Denmark. So far, we have searched for example contact information on the largest or hospitals, fire brigades, rescue units and ambulance services in those countries.
The second objective of the project is to do the PESTLE-analysis for each country. PESTLE includes for example the political and technological situations of the countries and their laws. The analysis helps the project team to target questions for different target groups and to understand the market in each country. So far, the PESTLE-analysis is still in its early stages, because our most urgent assignment is to find the right contact persons for potential clients to be interviewed about their decision-making process.

Project team – how is it going?
Our international project team consist of five Finnish students, two Russian exchange students and one German exchange student. The beginning of our project has been challenging, at least for myself, but we are constantly learning more and starting to know how we can achieve our goals. At the moment, it seems that the ambiguities are already beginning to clear up, we have got under way in our project, and the vision of the project is getting stronger every day.
From my and a few other team members personal experience, finding the right contacts on foreign language is quite challenging and time-consuming. However, I believe that we are going to clear this task too, and the right contacts will be found, and we will be able to focus on the PESTLE-analysis and contacting the potential clients.
It has been pleasant to work in our project and I think that everyone has suitable roles. No one is left behind in any tasks, instead everyone is guided and helped if the situation so requires! In addition, I am surprised how fluently different nationals are able to work together as a team, even though we come from different cultures, have different practises and have to use English in communication.
Suurin osa Showcasen blogeista on toteutettu osana Laurean opintojaksoja. Koko koulutustarjontaamme voi tutustua nettisivuillamme. Tarjoamme kymmenien tutkintoon johtavien koulutuksien lisäksi myös paljon täydennys- ja erikoistumiskoulutuksia sekä yksittäisiä opintojaksoja avoimen AMK:n kautta!