Firstly let me briefly introduce you our project group. Our group is quite international. 3 Finnish students are complemented with 3 international students from Spain, France and Czech Republic.
Our project is designed for Vantaa Ski Club in Hakunila. We met with our client in the first weeks of January, and from the beginning we knew that we’ll have to work quickly, because event’s date was set for 6th of March. Our first target group were Embassies in Helsinki.
Sunday, 6th of March 2022. Sun was shining, temperatures around -5 degrees Celsius and fresh snow. If I can say, it was the best Finnish winter weather we could possibly have. We have arrived to Hakunila at 9a.m. We were so pleased with opportunity of collaboration with Salomon. Our day started with building the whole area, which included moving benches and tables, building stands and also advertisement flags and other. Main goal was to prepare fun and compact area fullfilled with cross-country activities primary for kids and also adults.
First part of the event started at 10a.m. and with personalized lesson of cross-country skiing for representative of Austrian Embassy, which was led by Tero. Second part, public event for kids started at 11a.m. Everyone from team chose their place, so we can be as helpful as possible. Event went great. Kids really enjoyed activities. One of the most popular onces were throwing frogs on a target. I know it sounds a bit silly, but it could strenghten concentration and exactitude, while having fun. In this part joined this event group from French Embassy, most of them were skiing for the first time, but from their feedback, they also had a great time. Most fun activity for them was ski football. Best award we could get was seeing kids with big smiles giggling around the area.
Client’s and team member’s comments:
Vantaa Ski club was thrilled about the opportunity of creating something brand-new with international student group (international curriculum but Finnish speakers also involved). The project started solely on Embassy project but evolved to host a kids‘ playground on skis! The students did a great job both in the planning process and event itself; everyone seemed to find their natural role and place quickly in helping out. Communication with Finnish kids went fantastically, sporting fun was the common ground. Salomon, our title sponsor, was also very happy and proud having such a dynamic team managing the event! Young adults were responsible until the end; it is common to see everyone leaving when the actual event is over – not these guys; they stayed on to see that each and every piece of material was off the ground ready to be used in the next event. Thank you Laurea team! Very well done! – Satu Kalanainen, Vantaa
Melissa thinks that the event was very successfull. The Austrian Ambassador liked the opportunity to try cross-country skiing for the first time and she was very happy for the private teaching.
Nathan really enjoyed the Ski Carnival. He was happy to see French Ambassy’s employees and to ski with them. He had a good time whil playing ski-football with them. He also loved the great weather and the barbecue after the ski lesson.
Nuutti thinks that the event gave the team good spirit, and was very positive for all of us. The team also succeeded well and gave the event “positive vibe”
Karoliina enjoyed the beautyful winter wheater and all the similing faces of finnish and international people. Event were succes and organizators and visitors all had wonderfull day outside in the snow

photo from event
Suurin osa Showcasen blogeista on toteutettu osana Laurean opintojaksoja. Koko koulutustarjontaamme voi tutustua nettisivuillamme. Tarjoamme kymmenien tutkintoon johtavien koulutuksien lisäksi myös paljon täydennys- ja erikoistumiskoulutuksia sekä yksittäisiä opintojaksoja avoimen AMK:n kautta!