The year 2022 started with an SBA project about green finance. In this project, the goal is to develop further an already existing board game about green finance. Last fall another project team made the Wizard master- board game, about green finance, which will work as a base for our outcome.
Our team has members from three different countries. Our project manager, Jorge comes from Mexico, our welfare officer Vladyslav and our deputy secretary Arina are both from Russia and lastly our Finnish members, vice project manager Roosa, communication officer Hanna and our secretary Sonja. And we shall not forget our lecturer, Aapo!
Our first steps on this project contained observing the old game board and all of its questions. After being familiarised with the Wizard master game we went to Hyvinkää upper secondary school to play the game with the students. It came clear that some of the questions were slightly difficult to understand. After screening the feedback from younger student, was time to begin with the development plan. We started by making new, easier questions can drafting a new version of the board. Making questions that the students would understand, was somewhat difficult, but we pulled it through. After second meeting at Kipinä, we designed the new rules, to make game more approachable.

While developing the game we wrote our first theory bases for the project. All the topics for the theory bases were important to support this game design. Our theory base topics were game design, service design, microlearning, involving this game in upper secondary school curriculum, importance of sustainable finance literacy and finance basics.
Designing the questions is still on, and we are excited to see what will accomplish by the end of this semester. In the beginning of May you will be able to read how successful this project has been and more details our refined Green wizard- game.
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