During this fall, we had the opportunity to carry out a highly interesting project with a team of seven people for a recruitment company called Bravura Suomi Oy. Bravura is a new recruitment company in the Finnish market, and the assignment for the project was to create a marketing plan for them. The project kicked off in late August, and we immediately had a virtual meeting with the CEO of Bravura Finland via Teams. During the meeting, the CEO Marcus Kejzelman from Sweden provided us with more information about the company and its values. Later on, we also met with Bravura’s Sales Manager Emilia Grön, with whom we collaborated more closely throughout the project.
The assignment felt clear right from the beginning, but also appropriately challenging, as there are already a significant number of recruitment companies in Finland, making differentiation quite difficult. To address this challenge, we began the development of the marketing plan by conducting benchmarking. This allowed us to gain insights into, for example, the social media platforms that other recruitment companies utilize in their marketing efforts.

In addition to a clear assignment, we were able to deepen our understanding of Bravura as a company. Together with the project team, we visited Bravura’s office at Valo Hotel in Helsinki. Sales Manager Emilia Grön showed us around the premises and told us about the company’s operating methods and values. Our understanding of the company’s operating models expanded considerably, which made it easier for us to move the project forward.
After clarifying the values and operating methods of our client, and after benchmarking, we started working on the marketing plan. Together with the project team and the client, we decided not to focus on visuals in the marketing plan, as their visual appearance will soon change completely. Our focus point in the marketing plan is the various social media channels, with which Bravura can gain visibility in the Finnish market.
Sofia Pohjaranta & Viivi Koppinen
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