A journey towards sustainability – MyHID Oy

We live in an era where combining business success with social impact has taken a center stage. ESG covers the factors that companies should consider on their way towards a sustainable future. ESG stands for environmental, socia and governance related factors of sustainability. During these last few months our project team has been learning about ESG and the importance of it in business. For the team, a lot of new and relevant information, and being an international team, we have also had the opportunity to learn the ESG actions they do in Tajikistan where our exchange students are from. We noticed a lot of similarities are in the actions that companies do Finland and Tajikistan in sustainability

MyHID Oy, the client of the project, aims to be a pioneer in the area of sustainability. MyHID Oy is still a small company but are seeking to widen their operations in the near future. The project target is to create for MyHID Oy a sustainable growth plan, a practical report of what they can do to be as sustainable as possible and how to do it. MyHID is eager to be environmentally responsible with their actions, be socially responsible by creating a diverse work community, being transparent throughout their recruiting process and taking responsibility of the well-being of their employees during their time in the company. In addition to mentioned, by building trust amongst their current and future customers, employees, and stakeholders, MyHID ensures a responsible base for their growth locally and internationally.

In this project the team got a chance to participate in a hackathon in October that was about sustainability in finance. During the event we heard six companies present their views of corporate responsibility and their actions towards being a responsible employer. Students taking part in the hackathon were divided into groups and were given a task/problem regarding sustainability where they had to come up with a solution. At the end of the day the solutions were presented to the judges who picked the winners out of the 10 groups. The day gave the team new perspectives of sustainability and how to implement it in practice.

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