Summer is getting closer which means that the projects are soon to be finalized. Our international project with Finnvoda is currently in the final steps. The last step is to compile all our gathered information for the client. We started at the beginning of the year with competitor analysis and moved from there to search for potential partners from the target countries Spain, Germany, and Austria. In order to contact the potential companies, our project team produced a marketing email and a short survey, which were also translated to German and Spanish by our exchange students. By contacting the companies with their mother language, we wanted to be more approachable so the companies would find it easy to answer. There have been few answers already and we will do further contacting if it is needed. We will see if there will come more answers or have all the emails ended up in trash mail. The project team will keep their fingers crossed.

As a whole, our project has succeeded well and the project team is happy with the results. It has taught us a lot about inter-human matters and doing research. There are many different ways how to find the information and our team has definitely learned some of the tricks along the way. Working completely remotely has brought some challenges when it comes to communication and brainstorming together, but nothing that can not be managed. Aside from all that it has been a successful journey.
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