When talking about sustainable tourism, it includes economic, environmental, and social sustainability. In our co-operation project with Honkalintu Oy sustainable tourism is the main factor and research is done by taking all of these three sectors into account.
Nowadays there cannot be successful business operations if sustainability and responsibility are not part of the working principles. As a nature tourism company, it is essential to look after tourism’s sustainability and a company’s responsibility about it. Fortunately, Honkalintu Oy are exact about these things and also have a business idea, which is based on the value of nature and the company conveys the idea of valuing nature to their customers as well. Sustainability principles are also shown on their website.
In the following paragraphs, you will be able to read the views of our client Markku Janhonen, seven students: Zahra El Fellah, Arete Niinemets, Jasmin Probst, Sonja Leppänen, Alexandru Focseneanu and Tiia Nuutinen, and advisor of our team Tero Uusitalo on sustainability in general and on sustainable tourism.
Markku Janhonen
Founder & CEO at Honkalintu Oy
“Vastuullisuus on ollut Honkalinnun toiminnan osana heti alusta alkaen. Luonnossa, luonnon ehdoilla, luontoa kunnioittaen – on mottomme. Tuotteiden suunnittelu, toteutus ja eteenpäin ohjeistus oppaillemme on täytettävä eettisesti, ekologisesti ja taloudellisesti sekä sosiaalisesti kestävän toiminnan tunnusmerkit. Green Activities ja Sustainable Travel Finland -sertifikaatit ovat tunnustus tästä työstä.”
“Responsibility has been part of Honkalintu’s operations from the very beginning. In nature, on the terms of nature, respecting nature – is our motto. Product design, implementation, and forward guidance for our guides must meet the criteria for ethically, ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable operations. The Green Activities and Sustainable Travel Finland certificates are recognition of this work.”
Zahra El Fellah, project manager:
“For me, daily actions are the ones that determine sustainable development progresses. They don’t have to be huge to be significant enough. As an athlete, nature is a place for me to forget the pressures of hard work and just focus on breathing. In addition, I have a special place for animals in the heart. I strive to promote sustainability on general through daily ecological choices, including using durable bags instead of plastic bags and recycling garbage. Long school trips we take turns driving with my schoolmate so that we both don’t have to use a car that way. My personal goal is to make choices for the environment so that every animal has a sustainably healthy living environment. When I move around in nature, I can be happy when I know I’m doing something for it’s sustainability.”
Arete Niinemets, social media manager:
“Recycling, reuse and the use of secondhand goods come to the fore front in the sustainable choices of my daily life. For example, sorting all packaging materials and bio-waste, using refillable water bottles, and reusable bags to carry my purchases. Also, buying secondhand furniture, clothes and other items have always been close to my heart. In my opinion throwing away and buying new is easy but usually quite unnecessary. When I am travelling I like to ski, hike and visit beautiful places in nature. I just love nature and with my actions I want to make it even a little more well-being.”
Jasmin Probst, team member:
“Sustainable tourism doesn’t start with the big companies or the government, it starts with every small improvement you make in your life. Especially when travelling, many people do not care about sustainability, so it is even more important to take small steps to improve the way we live. Therefore, I am even more delighted when I can integrate small improvements. First of all, I avoid buying or using plastic as much as possible during my travels and in my everyday life. This is the reason why I am only using reusable bags when shopping for fruit and vegetables, solid soaps, metal lunch boxes and refillable water glass bottles. Since we don’t know where our plastic waste ends up after being thrown away, we can protect the forests, wildlife and oceans a little better and enjoy our travels even more with a good feeling by being more sustainable.”
Sonja Leppänen, vice project manager:
“I try my best to do several small things in my daily life to support sustainability. For example, I try whenever possible to use public transport, as well as buying discounted products to reduce food wastage. To support sustainable tourism, I strive to favor sustainable domestic tourist destinations and do research before choosing a destination.”
Alexandru Focseneanu, secretary:
‘’In my opinion, one of the biggest problems that sustainable tourism is confronting is transport. The use of public transport, especially those that run on electricity and other sources of green energy and not on fossil fuels, helps reduce pollution and it decongests traffic. When I want to visit a new place, I try as much as possible to travel by train or bus. In order to put this idea into practice as efficiently as possible, it is advisable to inform yourself in advance about the route you want to follow, what means of transport are available in that area and why not book your ticket in advance.’’
Tiia Nuutinen, vice secretary:
“Sustainability is very important to me in all my choices on a daily basis. In my opinion, it’s the small things that matter most, like recycling, for example, clothing and sorting trash. So far, my biggest choice has been giving up my personal car and preferring public transportation whenever possible. When traveling, I mainly use the train and I totally enjoy the ease of traveling in that way. I also try to favor a plant based and near produced diet, whenever possible. I believe that we individuals have a huge impact on a bigger change in terms of sustainability.”
Tero Uusitalo, advisor of the team:
”Sustainable tourism – is a part of me. I myself do every day sustainable tourism in the nature. I live close to Espoo Central Park forests to where I have easy access from my outdoor – skiing, trail running, mountain biking or orienteering. Instead of travelling to big cities, I prefer national parks, mountains or bogs. Hiking up alone to the mountain peak and enjoying the trails and views – my choose of sustainable travelling.”
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