Comparing Nordic foodservice markets

Comparing Nordic foodservice markets

Our project team is doing an international project in English. Our team has members from different countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, and Finland. In international cooperation, language and cultural differences must be taken into account to ensure the success of the teamwork. In our project, these have been considered and the cooperation and implementation of the project have been smooth. We are making international market research for Bonne Juomat Oy.

One of our research countries is Nordic countries such as Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Our main goal is to find possible markets for Bonne purées. We are looking for the biggest foodservice companies and purée manufacturers from these countries.

On the foodservice markets, there is a few large companies that are active in all of these countries. For example, Compass Group which provides food service to hotels, hospitals, schools, and cafés is active in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Also, Geia Food which retails food to the grocery market is active in these three countries.

Nordic countries also use the same purée manufacturers such as German company Döhler and French company Léonce Blanc. But they also have domestic purée manufacturers. For example, in Denmark, they have Berrifine which produces purées to Danish purée markets.

It was interesting to notice that Nordic countries have different policies for sharing information. In Sweden, the companies share more information about their operation than Norway or Denmark. For example, Compass Group Sweden shares on their homepage how many customers and restaurants they have when on the other hand Compass Group Denmark does not.

In conclusion, there is many companies competing in Nordic foodservice markets. The Nordic countries such as Sweden, Norway, and Denmark use more domestic companies than foreign for providing food services. But in the purée markets, these countries use more foreign provided products.

Suurin osa Showcasen blogeista on toteutettu osana Laurean opintojaksoja. Koko koulutustarjontaamme voi tutustua nettisivuillamme. Tarjoamme kymmenien tutkintoon johtavien koulutuksien lisäksi myös paljon täydennys- ja erikoistumiskoulutuksia sekä yksittäisiä opintojaksoja avoimen AMK:n kautta!

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