International teamwork – Chile service design project

This spring a team of Laurea’s students Tuomas Könnilä, Heta Kannela, Aksel Eskola, Tiana Kevic, Rilla Räsänen and Anne Warren have been working on a service design project. The project is a cooperation between Universidad del Desarollo (UDD) and Laurea. The team of Chilean student’s from UDD include Sofia Tapia, Pablo Gonzalez, Fabrizio Enriotti, Esperanza Sánches Sarraf and Paulette Lagos. The project consists of two separate projects in that are made for FLAIR and Alloxentric.

The other half of the team is making a market entry plan for FLAIR, which is a Chilean company operating in HVAC industry and specializing in optimization of ventilation systems. The goal of the project is to find ways to enter markets in Switzerland and Mexico. The team has also done competitor benchmarking and is currently looking for potential partner companies. Communication with Flair’s CEO, Pablo Farah, has gone fluently. Market research is a great way to learn about the possibilities in the markets and the work we’re doing here has great benefits for the company in the future.

The other team’s company is Alloxentric. The team is doing PESTEL analysis and finding potential client’s data, to help the AI industry to expand into Chile and the UK. Alloxentric is a British company that works with AI and helps other companies with AI to improve their markets.

The project included an intensive week, where the Finnish project team travelled to Santiago, Chile. In Santiago, the Finnish and Chilean students got to know each other and work on the project plan. The team also participated in a team building activities and got to visit the Finnish Embassy in Chile and saw some of the cultural heritage in Santiago. Later in spring, the Chilean team is going to travel to Finland to have the second intensive week. 

It has been an honor to get to learn more about service design and look for possible international market entry options. The project offers a great opportunity for students to gain international experience and knowledge of different cultures. Students also get a better view about service design in general. The teamwork has been great so far and the team is already looking forward to what the rest of the spring has to offer. 

(c) Finnish Embassy of Chile (left) and Tiana Kevic (right)

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