Lumon International Ireland project conclusion

Greetings from the Lumon International Ireland project!

As the spring semester draws to a close, so does our project. This blog post serves as a continuation of our previous update from the start of April (Link below).

Our team has finished the project and we had a gains and results meeting with the client from Lumon International. Our project was a digital marketing and sales project. Our mission was to establish partnerships with Sunroom distributors across Ireland. In April, we initiated the outreach phase, reaching out to over 60 potential partners via email. While our response rate was lower than anticipated, receiving only one reply, it’s important to note that our efforts laid the foundation for Lumon International’s ongoing partnership initiatives. Despite this, we effectively disseminated our message through emails and meticulously compiled an Excel list of prospective partners, complete with detailed profiles and a rating system ranging from 1 to 3 stars. Each company was evaluated based on various criteria, including the presence of installation, marketing, and sales teams, with a particular focus on the sales of glass terraces. In total, we identified 67 promising prospects.

Following comprehensive prospect research, we crafted two distinct email versions tailored to high-priority and lower-priority prospects, leveraging AI to optimize our communication strategies, with ChatGPT assisting in the process.

Despite encountering unforeseen challenges in engaging potential partners, we remain confident in the project team’s ability to contribute significantly to Lumon Oy’s international marketing efforts through our email campaign. As Lumon continues to pursue global partnerships, we’re optimistic that the insights gleaned from this project will pave the way for even greater success in future endeavors.

Lumon International project Ireland

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