Creating a social media campaign for Salama Brewing

This fall our project team had a chance to create a social media campaign for Salama Brewing.

Salama Brewing is a small independent brewery located in Espoo and was founded in 2018 by four craft beer loving friends.  The brewery specializes in modern extravagant beers. Salama is experimental with their flavours and always evolving. You can also check out their website for more information about the company:

The social media campaign

Our project has been mainly focused on increasing Salama Brewing’s visibility on social media. To reach this goal, our project team created and implemented a social media campaign on Salama Brewing on Instagram and Facebook.

We decided to include a giveaway as a part of this social media campaign, because giveaways tend to lead to more visibility on social media and get the followers to interact with the company as a part of the giveaway. The giveaway rules were simple: follow, comment and share. As a price, we used the Salama Brewing’s amazing merch, and it was highly sought after, when looking at the participation in the giveaway.

Because Salama Brewing’s products are so visually amazing, the visual content was relatively easy to create, even when most of the project members hadn’t really created content before.

The team members even took some of the campaigns picture material themselves with great success! You can take a look at them below 😊 Also if you are interested, go check out @salamabrewing on Instagram and Facebook to see more of the content we have made!

Influencer marketing

Another focus that we’ve had has been raising awareness about Salama Brewing and their products in The United Kingdom and Spain. The main way to create awareness abroad was decided to be done through influencer marketing. Influencers are a big part of today’s social media and can be used as an effective marketing tool.

The project team did research about potential influencers and chose the best candidates for the job. The team created an information Power Point for the influencers, so that they could get to know Salama Brewing and its product better before publishing anything on social media. The influencers received Salama Brewing’s beers and their merch glass to review and post about. Below you can see one of the posts an influencer created about Salama Brewings product.

Thank you for reading and learning a little bit about out fall project with Salama Brewing co.

With best wishes, The Salama Brewing project team

PS. Stay tuned, more content about this project is coming 😉

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