Social media marketing experience

In our project, we have done work related to social media marketing for restaurant Karhunpesä.

The membership of our project team has included old and new students. Our project team has worked really well because all the students have to give different skills to the project work and thus all the members of the project are able to learn new things from each other. Our partner has also been actively involved in the project throughout the project, as well as providing additional guidance and assistance when needed, so this has really helped a lot in the work. Project work has become a new thing for most team members. This has seemed difficult at first, but working with time has become easier. This has been influenced, for example, by the fact that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the team has met only once live. Overall, the project work has been rewarding and easy and the whole team has learned a lot of new things.

Our project has been working on social media advertising during the spring semester. This has involved many different phases of work, such as competition research and various other measures aimed at clarifying customer data. The competition study was conducted as an online survey using the Microsoft Forms tool. Competitive research helps to understand changes in the economy. The report’s statements on the development of competition research relate in particular to the change in production methods brought about by new information and communication technologies and the consequent development of the nature and priorities of competition and cooperation between companies.

Competitive research is about the process of understanding changes in the economy. Here, for example, a possible group of users and what kind of services they use have been identified.

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