And Yes! Our Garden Design Stories project, a landscaping garden creation company that aims to export to the United States, is worked by a group of 8 students interested in digital marketing determined in the proper development of the project. We work for months to satisfy our client so let’s do a presentation of each member of the project:
Wilma Tallgren is our project manager who must manage a team of 8 people, she represents the company in the eyes of the students as well as the students to the company. She is a determined and peerless manager for the group that constitutes her. This student divides the work, listening to various needs. She focuses on the newsletter’s optimization.
Jaakko Pyykkö is the project secretary. He must schedule each meeting, prepare a report after each meeting carried out, take care of all types of administrative paperwork. He is seen as the right arm of the project manager. His involvement and his organization are essential for the project. He goes in for the search engine optimization.
Joni Suhonen is the deputy project manager. He must be aware of everything to replace the project manager in case of absence and therefore have all the qualities of the latter. In addition, he takes care of the creation of video content for our client in order to complete the marketing diversification. He works on the social media research.
Laura Grönberg is the deputy secretary. She must have the same skills as the group secretary to ensure the proper functioning of the project if necessary. Like Joni, she also works on creating video content. She specializes with Wilma on the newsletter’s optimization.
Henna Lankinen is the social media manager. Her role is to ensure that the use of social networks is in line with customer demand while investing in the creation of the logo for this growing company.
Flore Salahun is the social media deputy. Her role is to be the right hand of the social media manager by participating in the marketing strategy and the creation of the right logo for the company. Its French vision can be an asset to the diversity of the group.
Riku Hirvonen is a member of the group who participates in all the tasks required and requested by the project manager. He is very involved in the work requested and focuses a lot on the theoretical research of the project. He studies on the search engine optimization
Catharina Rinke is also a member of the group. Like Riku, Catharina participates in all types of tasks and is very invested in it. Her different experience due to her German nationality gives a big plus to the vision of digital marketing. She is into the social media research.
Indeed, each meeting is held in English because Erasmus students participate in the development of the project. Everyone to develop various skills while progressing in English. Everybody works on different aspect of the task for improve the digital campaign. We also decide to work together on giveaways ad on different socials medias for the futures customers. Everyone has been very professional about this project.

This is our Team, this is our project, this is us.
Suurin osa Showcasen blogeista on toteutettu osana Laurean opintojaksoja. Koko koulutustarjontaamme voi tutustua nettisivuillamme. Tarjoamme kymmenien tutkintoon johtavien koulutuksien lisäksi myös paljon täydennys- ja erikoistumiskoulutuksia sekä yksittäisiä opintojaksoja avoimen AMK:n kautta!