As we started the project in January all was totally new to every one of us. Right from the pre-brief we got to know a lot of new people since we did not know each other. Everyone had to change thinking from their native language to English, which lead us to work a little bit slower than usually at the beginning. Also, we got a totally new way to learn, to learn through the project in a field nobody knew nothing in advance, marine industry.
Some might say this all can be too much but now as we are on the last weeks of project, we all look back and agree these intensive four months were a huge learning period and an important part of our studies in Laurea. The project pushed us to learn fast learning skills and think conceptually. Also, we got a rare opportunity to join an organization who are actively disrupting an industry through a number of innovative technologies, contributing to a safer, greener and more efficient future for the maritime industry.

Since the latest blogpost we have continued studies by interviewing people from different sectors in the marine industry. The first interviews were a little bit challenging, but after doing teams meetings after other, it became familiar with our team. We gained more confidence and tips after each of them, and the next interviews started going smoothly. However, the real high light was in spring when a part of our team had an opportunity to meet one of our interviewees in person and actually visit their office in Helsinki. This is something that anyone can relate after these difficult pandemic times – to finally meet someone in person is a great feeling!
After these few years of the pandemic, nothing could beat the feeling of actually meeting clients and having a professional and productive one-on-one conversation. The interview itself was a success and we got a lot of useful information regarding our project. The office space was beautiful with a lot of history. Interview itself took us about 35 minutes, but the topic seemed so interesting for both parties, that we kept discussing the future possibilities of digital inventions in the marine industry for almost an hour. The conversation and the location echoed importance and optimism for a better future during these tough times.
-Jasse, deputy project manager

And what we learnt? We learnt that even when facing a new business field, one can learn by the other. Asking and interviewing, studying the theory, studying the backgrounds, and listening have developed skills considerably. There are still a couple of weeks left in the project and much remains to be done. So far, everything has gone well, so we are looking forward to meeting the project partner face-to-face, presenting the results, and receiving feedback on the completion of the project.
We wish you all a nice summer!
Written by: Sari Saarelainen & Teemu Parkkinen
Suurin osa Showcasen blogeista on toteutettu osana Laurean opintojaksoja. Koko koulutustarjontaamme voi tutustua nettisivuillamme. Tarjoamme kymmenien tutkintoon johtavien koulutuksien lisäksi myös paljon täydennys- ja erikoistumiskoulutuksia sekä yksittäisiä opintojaksoja avoimen AMK:n kautta!