This post will be about an organization where we did our project. We got to know this wonderful organization through our group member who had some experience and knowledge about African Care. We enjoyed doing our project there, it was a lot of fun for us and for them and everyone learned a lot.
African Care is an organization based by immigrant women in Finland in 2011. The head office is located in Töölö but their branch office is in Rastila, where they have their activities in. They also have a birth clinic in Somalia and they do social work, health care and supporting in there. They are funded mostly by Stea, but also by donations and funding for development aid from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The organization aims to give support and empowerment to women and improve women´s rights and conditions in Finland but also in developing countries, especially in Somalia. They have different kind of projects in healthcare and education. Their weekly groups are open to everyone.

They have group activities four times a week, peer groups and language courses. Client groups and themes vary from time to time. Usually there is people who are their regular customers but also time-to-time visitors. In a group there is usually 5-15 women with their kids. There are nannies to take care of the kids while adults are having the activities.
Many languages are spoken: Arabic, Somali, Farsi and of course Finnish. During groups they always have some snack and food made by the workers or the clients. It is a good way to learn about different cultures. They have different kind of activities based on the theme of the day.
On Monday they have a group that is focused on family well-being and they have some experts visiting and discussing about different themes such as parenting, the education system and family services. On Tuesday they have a free advisory service for immigrants on different problems in everyday life in Finland. They can get help with Finnish language, working life or with education.
On Wednesday they have a meeting point café to enjoy time together while getting to know others living in Helsinki. Private counselling is also available. On Thursday they have a woman’s club planned and led by volunteers. They organize different activities such as cooking, sports and crafts. On Friday they have Ilona-group that is focused on woman´s well-being with themes such as sports, nutrition, mental well-being and healthcare.

The atmosphere there is good and supporting. They have professionals helping them and guiding with the activities. They are giving each other peer support and a place to feel welcomed. A place where no woman is left outside.
If you want to join them, as a visitor, customer or as a volunteer you can just show up to a group or to contact them online.
Voluntary work:
Main site:
Suurin osa Showcasen blogeista on toteutettu osana Laurean opintojaksoja. Koko koulutustarjontaamme voi tutustua nettisivuillamme. Tarjoamme kymmenien tutkintoon johtavien koulutuksien lisäksi myös paljon täydennys- ja erikoistumiskoulutuksia sekä yksittäisiä opintojaksoja avoimen AMK:n kautta!
your project has been reviewed very well indeed in this post. it is interesting to see that usually every place or organization related to immigrants has a weekly schedule which follows almost same criteria. it is mostly focused on consulting about legal rights or services which are available for immigrants or one specific group but may not noticed by target groups. these also makes opportunities for one group to produce special agents who may lead policies and programs in another context, for example those developing countries. This was informative post, Thanks for sharing!