This autumn, I started my exchange journey in Laurea for one semester. And I had the chance to create a CSR workshop for SURE. Being a student in Hong Kong, when we start to do a group project, we just have one discussion and start to work on our own part. But in Laurea, the system is very new to me. We need to have an agreement, assign roles in the project and have a great time! Also, it is a great chance for us to communicate with real organisation as it is rare to have direct contact with organizations being a university student in Hong Kong.
For the project, we are creating an achievable and real workshop that our clients can use in the future. This is also different from Hong Kong. Although there are real scenarios of companies, our proposed solutions could not reach them. Therefore, it’s exciting to see that our opinions can help improve their business. In the workshop, we were required to think of different modules to satisfy multiple demands and provide best solutions based on each case. We managed to come up two directions of modules, including CSR and ESG.
Besides from creating a workshop, we are required to write theory bases and maintain frequent meetings. However, one thing that surprised me is that the tasks and deadlines can be altered. For us, we did 1 theory base and join hackathon as a replacement, which is much more interesting. When we are doing the side quests, we can change the deadlines that fit our schedule. In Hong Kong universities, it’s impossible for us express our difficulties to lecturers to improve the assignments and deadlines so that the overwhelming assignments are not chocking us.
I appreciate the help from our lecture Aapo so that our project completed smoothly. Also, I would like to say thank you to my lovely teammates who provided so much support and organized fun activities for us to have a great time together!

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