Remote working: A point of view from an exchange student

I am Pik Lau, an exchange student from Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a place which always seeks for efficiency. So as the COVID-19 pandemic rages, Hong Kong has started to follow the trend in the world of remote working for maintaining economic growth. But when there is an easing trend of COVID-19, ‘work from home’ is less and less.

During the exchange period in Finland, this digital marketing and sales project became my first time working remotely on a big project, which is within virtual and contact teaching. which means at least half of the time is work from home. Our teammates are busy with their own daily business, it is hard to go to campus for every meeting. Inevitably, working remotely became 90% of the project this semester.

As the project has entered the final stage, I would like to discuss what I am feeling about the new type of working, remote working.


Many people know remote working brings a lot of benefits and conveniences to our daily lives. Our team members cannot always come to the campus to participate in the lecturer meeting. Remote working and meeting are the great findings without any doubt in this situation. We can manage our time effectively and efficiently in this project by excluding useless commuting time. It can handle both sides of affairs even at the same time.

In my opinion, the lecturer meeting will take around 30 minutes to 1 hour. Taking 45 minutes or even 1 hour to come to the campus only participating in the lecturer meeting is not a smart choice. On another level, compared with Hong Kong, the transportation fee is quite high in Finland. All in all, it feels like remote working and meetings are really good things, by reducing time costs and transportation costs.


But everything has two sides, remote working brings some challenges to this project. It seems that it is necessary to be concerned about whether the communication is efficient or not. Face-to-face meetings or talking are always more interactive, such as it is easier to see the others’ expressions and feel their attitude, to establish an effective communication model. It all seems difficult through the screen while remoting.

In addition, insufficient communication may result in the inability to supervise the completion of teammates. In Hong Kong, many students in University will use remote work to escape from work. Which greatly reduces work efficiency in the team.


By listing out the advantages and disadvantages, the impact of remote working on the project is clear at a glance. In this project, most of the time our team is using remote working as our working mode, remote working is helpful to our project with no doubt. But I agree that some elements need to be considered when working from home. If there is a solution for easing those challenges, for instance our teams have held a ‘well-being activity’ at the end of the online meeting, to give the time for having a deep conversation between our team members, building up an effective communication, remote working should be appealing around the world.

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