University of Alicante – Day 1

We arrived at the University on Monday at around 11.30 am and met our fellow students and teachers. Our professor Manuel welcomed us in the auditorium in the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Meeting with the whole group for the first time

Professor Manuel introduced us to the University of Alicante and told us about the history, and facts about the city and the Spanish culture. We were told that we will meet other students from other countries later this week. Manuel told us about our week’s schedule.

Kick off

Around 1 pm we had lunch which was apparently very early for the Spanish people. We were ready to study!

Walk around the Campus

Between lectures, we had a nice walk around campus. Manuel told us about the history of the campus and showed us the beautiful nature around it.

The main topics of the lectures were health improvement science and empowering nurses. We learned about Magnet hospitals, and discussed the quality of nursing and how to improve it to excellence. The lectures were interesting as health improvement science as a discipline was new to us. The content made us think about our future as experts in the field.

Dinner with the group

After the pleasant but long afternoon, we went for a dinner with some of our fellow students and had great fun.

We are looking forward to the rest of the week!

Iia Korelin, Julia Honkanen, Anna Uutinen, Miia Hyyrynen

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