Inclusion for Undocumented Immigrants

While I was going to start to write my 3rd post here, I saw this post in my Facebook account” BREAKING: DEPORTATION OF THE YOUNG AFGHANI IS STOPPED IN THE LAST MINUTE! Thank you volunteers and lawyer!”  

I became happy of course by seeing this news. This movements could help paperless people yet seems like a last-minute survivor. This movement could also have effect on immigration decision makings. These gatherings or demonstrations bring attention to public that something needs to be changed. It could have circumstances on people’s voting to parties which support immigrants more than others. In general, this cycle leads to legislation in parliament at the last place. Supporting these movements does not need necessarily to do something extraordinary. Being in the place and accompanying refugees could lead to great feelings for them and show that these are not excluded from the society.

Image: Stop Deportations Facebook page

Our project with paperless people also showed me that being simply with them, getting to know a little each other, and a little entertaining could affect to their mental health positively. Inclusion needs valuing the diversity of individuals, preparing for equal access and opportunities to different people and having everyone involved and participating in activities and consulting to the strongest extent possible. It is worthy to remember that Media tools alone have no influence. It is better to adapt our blog posts or social media activities to real objectives, context and target group, but most importantly to our personal skills to turn them into something powerful! Working in these centers and being daily with paperless people needs to adapt to different cultures and getting familiar with target group. In this way, there would be more possibility to help those people, promoting cross-cultural understanding and tolerance, and professionally growth.

On the other hand, For Finnish society it would bring more safety to improve the inclusion of paperless people who reside in Finland, than leaving them almost alone with unidentified, unknown addresses to live in and exposing them to crime possibilities.   


Migri website 2019. Retrieved from 22 November 2019.

Refugee Crisis Europe 2019.  Retrieved from  22 November 2019.

Stop Deportations 2019. Retrieved from 20 November 2019.

Suurin osa Showcasen blogeista on toteutettu osana Laurean opintojaksoja. Koko koulutustarjontaamme voi tutustua nettisivuillamme. Tarjoamme kymmenien tutkintoon johtavien koulutuksien lisäksi myös paljon täydennys- ja erikoistumiskoulutuksia sekä yksittäisiä opintojaksoja avoimen AMK:n kautta!

2 ajatusta aiheesta “Inclusion for Undocumented Immigrants”

  1. Thanks for your post Farzad and bringing up the social media influencing. Social media has a huge power to us nowadays, even a power that we unconsciously don´t even know. But as a positive side it is a good way to spread information, share knowledge and influence on important topics as immigration and undocumented people. I was glad to hear that they are stopping returning people to Irak at least for now.

    I have a friend who is now living in Finland paperless and I feel so bad for him. He used to have a good job and a house here but not anymore. He got all the negative decisions. I have been trying to help him and gladly he has a lot of friends living in here, so he is not alone. Anyway the situation is bad. Imagining that his life is on pause now, he can´t go back but he can´t go forward either. Where is the future? Where is the hope?

    – Hene
