Last week we took part in the Asunnottomien Yö – event. Us and some other Laurea students organized the clothes collect, sorting them and their distribution. We got a good amount of clothes by donations and sorted them before the event. Most of the clothes were in good condition and appropriate. Some we had to take away due to them being really dirty or broken.

I was also updating Laurea’s Instagram (LaureaUAS) before and during the event. It was interesting to notice how time consuming it is. I liked doing it, but feel like it partly took my attention away from the actual human contact. Luckily I also found time to concentrate on being present during the event.

I feel that the program in the event was much needed. For example, there were many people cutting hair/beards for free, doing hand massages and manicures. People were lining up. Of course free food and other beverages were as important. In the evening there were panels and a few performers. Overall a good mix of different activities.
The thing that I remember the most, was the joy I got when I found clothes for someone. When I noticed someone wandering around not that comfortable with digging from the piles, I asked if there was something specific they were looking for. Regardless of the answer, almost always I could find something for them to take with. That made me feel so satisfied. Especially when of course there were also those who were more eager to be there first. Some aren’t that comfortable with approaching the situation.
I’m really happy I had the chance to take part in this kind of an experience. I feel like it widened my view more about the issue of homelessness and I met some amazing people. I am so thankful the people who work daily on this issue exist. Since there are still so many homeless people in Finland, the work people do for them is extremely important. Quoting Ulla Pyyvaara (Vva Ry): “As long as there are people homeless in Finland, our effort matters.”
Suurin osa Showcasen blogeista on toteutettu osana Laurean opintojaksoja. Koko koulutustarjontaamme voi tutustua nettisivuillamme. Tarjoamme kymmenien tutkintoon johtavien koulutuksien lisäksi myös paljon täydennys- ja erikoistumiskoulutuksia sekä yksittäisiä opintojaksoja avoimen AMK:n kautta!
Thanks for writing about this Nina. It was nice to see the photos that you took and also to get to know something more though I was present there but not participating to everything. I really liked that you shared knowledge also in social media about this and spread information through that. You did it well. I think also that the whole event could have been more widely available in the internet for people to know about the important work they do.
Homelessness is not that openly talked topic in Finland especially cause we keep up a reputation of a well-being state and many think that we don´t have homelessness here. Still we saw and we know that there are homeless people who are benefiting from these kind of events, NGO´s and companies helping them.
Next time it would be really interesting to go even to a deeper level in homelessness. To see the day centers, hear their stories etc. Once I saw this document by Arman Alizad where he talks about homelessness, the reasons and the reality. It was really interesing, if you haven´t watched it, you should!
Here it is: https://www.ruutu.fi/video/2560690
– Hene