In this project, from the get-go our aim has been the creation of a Go-to-Market plan for our client, Töysän Kenkätehdas, who are aiming for the Japanese shoe market. Until now, we have used methods such as surveys and interviews to acquire the appropriate data regarding the target country’s market.
At first searching for Japanese people to interview proved itself to be no laughing matter; the weeks went by without anyone agreeing to be interviewed. However, after we got our first interview, we began to gradually get more interviewees through a niche channel. In the interviews the language barrier was not an issue most of the time, but on a couple of occasions it caused some hindrance. Sometimes the answers were hard to decipher or had too vague a meaning to properly sum down.
The interviews were done online through around a two-week period. After conducting them and looking through the compiled interview answers, we came to conclusions based on the interviewees’ common answers. Some of them had also brought up informative ‘outside of the question’ points that could also be worthy of further thinking and considering. As such, in the end, we were left with a lot of valuable information.
At the moment we have put the acquired information into practice and begun work on the Go-to-Market plan, which consists of many different parts to ensure that all necessary aspects for market entry are covered. Buyer personas, different types of analysis and customer journeys are just some of the things we have been doing, naturally tying into the Go-to-Market plan in the end.
The whole project was done remotely, we did not meet even once. Despite the challenges, we managed to proceed in the project according to the plan, and things are looking positive regarding the final parts of the project.
The client’s website:

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