This project started in August 2022 and the client is Hotel Sveitsi. Hotel Sveitsi is a modern hotel that opened in 2017 and offers services to single travelers and families staying at the hotel. They won Finland’s leading resort 2022 -price in the World Travel Awards competition for the third time, last time in 2019 and 2020. Hotel Sveitsi is a part of Primehotels, which consists of seven different hotels, and as they say, Primehotels is not a hotel chain but a group of unique hotels.
The topic of the project is Christmas, or to be precise Christmas in hotel. Target of the project is to improve Hotel Sveitsi’s already existing Christmas package and figure out what people think about spending Christmas in hotel and what they expect if coming to the hotel for Christmas.

To this day we have done a benchmark where we compared Christmas services and activities offered by other hotels to the package that Hotel Sveitsi offers. Our team, which consists of 3 exchange students from Hong Kong, France and Italy and 5 Finnish students, got to present the results of the benchmark in Hotel Sveitsi to our team’s contact person Kaisu Eronen. While at the hotel we got a tour of the hotel and got to enjoy the delicious breakfast that the hotel offers to visitors.
As the project continues, we are going to study theory about service design by writing theory bases as well as study service design in Canvas. Also, we are going to extend the research and find out what makes people come to the hotel during Christmas, what services people would expect in a hotel during Christmas and what would make them stay longer until New Year’s Eve for example.
If you are thinking of spending Christmas in a hotel, you can get to know Hotel Sveitsi’s Christmas 2022 package here (in Finnish).
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