Harsh winters and a grumpy nation – how to make Finland an attractive place for foreign workers and how to reach them?

Finland – The land of a thousand lakes. Roosa Lyly, 2022.

We started the project in August, and even though we still have work to do, we have made a lot of progress since then. Our goals were to find out suitable countries to recruit hospitality workers to Finland, through what channel(s) would be the best to recruit them, what factors make our client an appealing employee, and what makes Finland an attractive place to work and live.

We have made an empathy map, which is a great tool to gain a deeper understanding of the target group. It is a different situation when considering working abroad than finding a new employee and opportunities within your home country. What are the benefits that Finland and our client can offer for possible recruits from another country?

To get more insight into the pros and cons of living in Finland as an immigrant, we conducted a survey called “Finland as a new homeland.” We shared it to a social media platform called Reddit and got 93 answers from people who have at some point in their lives moved to Finland and are still living here. We have been analyzing the results with the team and we are comparing them to the presumptions we have.

It is not a surprise, respondents mentioned that the weather, especially fall and winter, is a downside and Finns might first seem unfriendly and hard to reach. Although Finland was crowned again the happiest country in the world[1], we can portray a very grumpy outlook. Even with the harsh winters, most of the respondents seem to be happy with their new homeland. Something we might not appreciate enough is the work-life balance and security and safety in our everyday lives. Those two things stood out the most when we asked for the reasons respondents decided to stay in Finland.

The pandemic and the current situation around the world have made it harder for people to be content with their quality of life. I believe we have, as a nation, a lot to offer to people abroad. We have done a lot of research on the topics, and I am confident we can give valuable information to our client and meet their needs.

[1] This is Finland, 2022. https://finland.fi/life-society/happinessreport2022/

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