Service Designing a digital platform for first homeowners

Understanding your customers’ needs is one of the most important assets when designing a service. Making your target group involved with the designing process saves time and money, as it helps to know who, why, and what you are designing for. When the target group has been included in the process, the result is already what they expect when it is published. If you are designing something that the users would not need or want to use, that would be kind of pointless, right? 

This springs MyHomesID – Service Designing a digital platform for first homeowners- project, an international team of business students has been assigned to do testing for the MyHomesID app. The project team is part of the target group since most of the students are young adults, who are probably going to buy their first homes in the near future. 

 MyHomes ID is an app, where you can save all your important information safely in one place. Important information about your home, summer cottage, car, pets, or any information that is significant for you, can be saved there. You can also share your objects through the app, for example with your spouse, family, or with anyone who would need the information. The app is working as a SAAS- service (Software as a service), which means that customers can reach it wherever they are, with their smartphones. All their important information is saved safely in the app, and they can access them just by signing into the app, whenever they need. Saving all the important information in just one place, which is easy to access wherever and whenever saves a person’s time and nerves. 

The goal of this project was to do testing for the MyHomesID-app, to ensure that all the little problems in the platform would be noticed and corrected. The team went through every step of the app, from creating users to adding their own objects, sharing them, and removing them. And from each of these steps, the team gave feedback, improvement ideas, and shared information about possible problems in the app for the client. For the team, this seemed an unimportant job at first, but from the client’s point of view, it was vital to find these little issues in the app now, so the users would not have to deal with them later.  The team also made a SWOT- analysis of the app, to define the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the service. This can help the company to look at its operations from a different perspective. 

During this project, the team has learned the basics of Service Design, the process of testing the app, and of course, important communication and teamwork skills that will be vital when moving into work life. 

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