Lisa Agbehiadzie, Niilia Wadunombi , Joe Kaiga, Iida Kanerva and Jaakko Kiukkonen
The stereotype of Finnish people is that they do not do smalltalk. However, in working life there is one exception — coffee breaks. Coffee breaks, or “kahvitauko” in Finnish culture, are informal but crucial moments in the workplace where employees connect, share ideas, and discuss a wide variety of topics (weather). For immigrants, participating in these breaks is not just about socializing but can be a gateway to integration into the workplace culture. That is why we wanted to organize a workshop centered on coffee breaks. The goal of the workshop was to foster communication skills, build confidence, help students to be more comfortable in engaging with colleagues in their future jobs. By encouraging students to participate in these conversations, the workshop aimed to reduce social isolation that many non-native Finnish speaker feel.
In Finland, workplace inclusion remains a significant societal issue, particularly when it comes to immigrants and minority groups. Many immigrants face challenges such as language barriers and cultural differences that can hinder full participation in the workplace. Encouraging them to take part in coffee break conversations is a small but powerful step toward fostering greater inclusion.
We encourage everyone to take small steps in their workplaces to promote inclusion. Something as simple as inviting a colleague for coffee, being open to different cultures, and practicing patience with language learners can make a big difference in someone’s life.
In conclusion, coffee breaks might seem trivial or of little value, but they offer powerful opportunities for inclusion, especially for immigrant workers. The workshop initiative not only supports their language development and social integration but also promotes a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture, benefiting everyone involved.
This blog is based on a workshop project conducted between students of Social Services at Laurea university of Applied sciences and Smile project which aimed at encouraging immigrants to engage in coffee break conversations in Finnish workplaces. To elaborate on the importance of coffee break conversation, known as “kahvitauko” in Finnish culture, a workshop was conducted which aimed at encouraging non-native Finnish speaking students to engage in coffee break conversations in a simulated environment of Finnish workplaces.
Tämä opiskelijaprojekti on osa Vantaan kaupungin ja Laurean totetuttamaa SMILE-hanketta. Lue lisää hankkeesta SMILE-hanke rahoitetaan osana Euroopan neuvoston kehityspankin (CEB) ja Euroopan komission välistä sopimusta, jonka tavoitteena on edistää maahanmuuttaneiden inkluusioita EU jäsenvaltioissa kehittämällä uusia yhteistyön ja rahoituksen muotoja. SMILE-hanke on suunnattu erityisesti EU:n ulkopuolelta tulleille vantaalaisille.
Suurin osa Showcasen blogeista on toteutettu osana Laurean opintojaksoja. Koko koulutustarjontaamme voi tutustua nettisivuillamme. Tarjoamme kymmenien tutkintoon johtavien koulutuksien lisäksi myös paljon täydennys- ja erikoistumiskoulutuksia sekä yksittäisiä opintojaksoja avoimen AMK:n kautta!