CEN The Invisible Life Destroyer

Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) is something that is affecting a lot of people even thought they might not understand it, yet it is so hidden and decieving.

Few of life’s challenges are poorly understood just like Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN). Yet CEN has a influence in today’s world that it’s troublesome to emphasize its true depth and reach. Childhood Emotional Neglect happens once your parents fail to contribute enough to your emotional desires as they raise you. It dwells within the daily life of a baby, lurking imperceptibly within the shadows, hiding in plain sight. It happens once your parents fails to handle, notice or respond enough to your emotions.

Few key factors circling around CEN

  • Empty feeling inside you
  • Independent and unwilling to depent on others
  • Unable to recognize ones strengths and weaknesses
  • Difficulties to share your problems with others
  • Feeling that you have something wrong in you but unable to understand what it is
  • Problems with identifying, managing and/or expressing emotions

As CEN quietly drains the color and vigor from multitudinous lives, it takes refuge in its own invisibleness. All the whereas, unsuspecting future parents follow the pattern originated by their own parents, quietly delivering the “family ban” on emotions to their own kids. Childhood Emotional Neglect is unbelievably contradictory. it’s straightforward, normal and omnipresent however at the same time powerfully harmful. CEN dwells in moments of nothing. Yet it is, most emphatically, something so drastic.

What CEN sounds like in someone’s head who is coping with that?

As a “normal” human that I am, I do not want to show my feelings to others at all.

I don’t need emotional support from others or salvation to my problems, I can take care of myself.

I don’t want to ask help from people cause I don’t wan’t to burden anyone and most likely I’m capable of doing it myself.

I don’t expect too much from other people, cause I don’t want to let myself down.

These thoughts are from Connor. Jonice Webb, PhD has written a whole article about him and I will share a link with you at the end.

You can completely heal from CEN

Once you have spotted what’s wrong, and notice how CEN has affected your lifestyles, you could exchange the way you deal with yourself. You can learn the emotions which were kept from you when you were a baby. You can begin to explore the emotions and wishes what you should have had. And while you do, your inner self will change. When you start to treat yourself in the way you should, a humorous occurrence will happen: people around you beings to see your lifestyle and start to see you in a better perspective. They begin to see your character, your feelings, and your desires. They start to comfortable to what they are able to see.

The fonder you get with your feelings, thoughts and sharing your emotions, the closer your get with other people in your life. They can finally accept you in the way that you really are, and you can give them your full potential as a friend, parent or spouse.

Take care of yourself and start living your life as a best way possible!




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2 ajatusta aiheesta “CEN The Invisible Life Destroyer”

  1. I know the effects of CEN, yet have I ever read about it, or heard it has a name like that. The subject itself is important, and people would for sure benefit of being aware of it’s downsides. The blog was written well, and it really raised my interest towards the subject. Now i want to read more about it. Thank you for posting!

  2. Really interesting topic! First of all, the way the post is written sounds very professional and that you really know what you’re writing about. Also an important topic to share and spread knowledge about. I liked how you had put the examples of how one might feel if this had happened in one’s childhood. Great post!
