“Every step is a new start.” These are lyrics of the song we made together with our customers from Askel kerrallaan when I was doing my first job placement there this spring. That sentence is a good way describing how deeply I got to know the people who took that one step and walked in ready to start again. But first let’s go back to the start…
When I started my job placement in Sininauhasäätiö I was super nervous and excited. This was the place I wanted to do my placement in and I got it. Now what? I decided I was going to go in with a good attitude. I felt motivated and ready to give this my all. Thankfully I was very well taken care of and introduced to the building, people and the organization. The more I learned about Sininauhasäätiö the more blessed I felt to be working there and to be able to have this experience.
So what is Sininauhasäätiö and especially Askel kerrallaan? The basic goal of Sininauhasäätiö is to provide a home and support for those who are excluded from services and defends their rights and dignity. The slogan for Sininauhasäätiö is “There is always hope when someone cares” which is really what I felt they accomplish. The Step by Step project /Askel kerrallaan offers the opportunity to strengthen one’s well-being and provide support for employment and education. (www.sininauhasaatio.fi) Each group will meet for approximately three months and in that time we try to help the people who come there to find a new path in their life.
Everyone has their own way and their own starting point. Everyone is looked at as individuals. We are simply there to be the guiding light if we may on the road to success. The success can simply be waking up that morning and deciding to get out of bed. The most important thing is that you came.
So what are my final thoughts after I worked there for 3 months? Going in I want to clarify that I didn’t really have any expectations or prejudices towards Sininauhasaatiö or the people there but that is maybe because I was unfamiliar with this world. That is why I think I was so drawn to it. But I totally get Anne (thank you for your honesty on your blog) and other people that do have prejudices. Man is the sum of the experiences. Our opinions, fears, and thoughts are influenced by our past and the life that we lived.
While working in Sininauhasäätiö and spending my time with the amazing customers we had there I have never felt more accepted. The people there didn’t judge. They were truly honest, owning up to their mistakes and the choices they made in the past. They just wanted a fresh start. And that is exactly what I want you to keep in mind when you think about Sininauhasäätiö and the people there.

Suurin osa Showcasen blogeista on toteutettu osana Laurean opintojaksoja. Koko koulutustarjontaamme voi tutustua nettisivuillamme. Tarjoamme kymmenien tutkintoon johtavien koulutuksien lisäksi myös paljon täydennys- ja erikoistumiskoulutuksia sekä yksittäisiä opintojaksoja avoimen AMK:n kautta!
Thank you for sharing your experience! It gave a good insight to the work that Sininauha does. Experiencing exhaustion or feelings like anxiety or depression, might make it difficult to appreciate the everyday things that we are still able to do. Like going to an appointment. This was a good reminder; sometimes the small steps we take are the ones that count the most and should be valued as such.
Thank you for your comment. It really means a lot to me that you took the time to read and also comment on this.
Thanks for the interesting post Katja! The Blue Ribbon Association is a fairly unknown organization to myself, but it was nice when you introduced it. I admire your attitude that you have been able to go to practice with a good attitude without any prior assumptions. I believe that with this attitude you will go a long way in your work, whatever it may be.
Thank you for this comment Vilja, I really appreciate it. I try to always remind myself to not make assumptions and keep an open mind
It’s always good to challenge yourself also.
This is nice review to low threshold services by Sininauha! In some cases, when income securities offering by social services such as Kela or Social assistance could not help to keep residents secure, then 3rd sector organizations like Sininauha could play important role. This is indeed necessary for every society to extend their social and health services for inclusion of the people who are experiencing serious difficulties in their current life period. This makes it possible to bring back clients again to services they benefits from. In Finland on general, there’s tendency for promoting inclusion within society and this is a good example.
Thank you for this comment. I feel the same way as you that organizations like this really play an important role in our field. Let’s hope there will be more organizations like these in the future.
Thank you for this genuine and heart-felt write up, Ms Katja. One can really feel your compassion and interest towards the topic and the client group. Through this post the topic comes nearer to the people who are not familiar to the topic or who do not usually come across such client group. Warm thank you for the post!
Warm thank you to you also for commenting. My goal was to do just that, to bring the topic nearer to you my fellow students. And everyone else who reads this obviously. It makes me happy that you understood what I was aiming for.
Thank you for the interesting information about the Sininauhasäätiö. It comes across from your text that their organisation was comfortable and rewarding.
Sadly in this society ”regular” people can be inward-looking and judgemental, they might not think beyond the outer appearance.
I enjoyed reading your text, good job
And I really enjoyed this comment. It really shows that you got the text. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment also.
Thank you for sharing your experience, this was really good and warm-hearted writing about this important organization! I think it is great that they treat everyone as an individuals, it is so important. We are all unique, having different kinds of backgrounds and different kinds of hopes for the future. I think that should always be kept in mind. There is no one right way of doing things… what suites me may not suite for all.
Thanks again, really nice post!
You are absolutely right. We are all individuals and should always be treated as such. What works for someone may not work for all of us. We all see the world through our own special glasses. Very nice comment, thank you for taking the time to read my blog and write your comment also.