One might think that chatting about pandemic and all the affects it has had on the world and people, would turn out to be quite a bummer of a conversation.
However, when Klaus was sharing his view on the current situation and on our other blogpost topics, this was not the case. He had a way of shining a positive light on everything which made it easy to gather the right mindset for this post.
New normal
For older people who might not be used to all different varieties of electronic tools, the safe and familiar way to communicate is just to spend time together and communicate face-to-face. When the pandemic hit, this familiar way was not safe anymore. Restrictions were made for socializing.
This resulted in finding new ways to communicate. If family members were not able to come to Sacramento, staying virtually connected was the solution. Phone calls are a familiar way of staying connected, but now importance of visual connection was highlighted.
There started to be more picture exchanges involved, video calls, sending text messages and videos… Obviously in the beginning there might’ve been quite a worrisome tone to the conversations, but that of course was understandable.
All of these adaption techniques really revolved around electronics, which resulted in learning new skills. Using computers, using phones in new ways … lots of new. Klaus sees that this has prompted family members to maybe be even more in contact to residents than usual. It has been learning process on both ends, bringing new dimensions to everyone’s lives.
New activity of learning ways to keep in contact with loved ones.
The main goal was to find new opportunities to connect without risks.
What does the future look like
Basically all activities were cut to minimum to avoid social contacts. Klaus said that he noticed an interesting outcome; residents do not have any interest for the activities, like arts and crafts, which were a part of weekly routines before.
Instead there has been more of listening to music, looking at pictures and videos, streamed concerts, lots of different activities via internet. Virtual reality has become closer to residents lives.
They have gained new skills and topics of interest in this process which Klaus was talking highly of.
Having more knowledge does not add to the pain in this situation
Like we mentioned in the last post, the fear of unknown was something that Klaus felt strongly. He described the pandemic as a “boogieman” in the health care field especially.
The more information we have gotten on this, the easier it has gotten mentally. If you know what you are up against, it is easier to fight it. It is easier to stay safe. And therefore keep residents in Sacramento safe.
Klaus strives to have a regular life maintained for residents, with their wishes being listened to. He believes that nursing home is a place where not a lot of people see themselves in the future.
Not all requests are possible to be fulfilled, but Klaus says they will do anything to the extent they can.
If one of their residents wishes to go on a excursion in the woods, but is not physically able to, the staff will bring woods to them. Maybe bringing things like leaves, cones and moss to the resident and taking them via video call to walk in the woods.
Klaus shared a sincere wish to everyone to just stay well and to keep taking things day by day. That is how he feels is the best to look at life. This just might be one key factor for the positivity radiating from him. Not to stress over the unknown future. Their main goal is to have their residents feel happy and well. After all, Sacramento is their home and the most important thing is to guarantee a good living for them. Even in the middle of a pandemic. Especially in the middle of a pandemic.
Suurin osa Showcasen blogeista on toteutettu osana Laurean opintojaksoja. Koko koulutustarjontaamme voi tutustua nettisivuillamme. Tarjoamme kymmenien tutkintoon johtavien koulutuksien lisäksi myös paljon täydennys- ja erikoistumiskoulutuksia sekä yksittäisiä opintojaksoja avoimen AMK:n kautta!
Thank you for presenting a very timely topic Kia!
You managed to put things into perspective for me, and probably for plenty of others as well, apropos of this whole pandemic situation. We may sometimes find ourselves complaining on how the pandemic has affected our lives and regular routines. Yet, we are overlooking that other people, such as elderlies, are in a much more unfortunate position than us.
I also fancied the way you approached this topic, through Klau´s eyes, allowing it to be lively and personal.
Thank you Kia for this blog post! Its really nice to finally read that korona has also brought something positive and has effected in some lives positively. I think its really important that the elderly people get a supportive push to use more of technology.