Links for more information on substance abuse

Here are useful links if you or someone close to you suffers from addiction or you need information otherwise on the subject

THL: information about treatment of substance addiction, rehabilitation and everyday support 

Päihdelinkki: information about substance abuse, tests and self-help

Substance abuse services in Helsinki

Substance abuse services for alcohol&medicine & illegal drugs in Vantaa

Substance abuse- & mental health services in Kerava (only in Finnish)

Substance abuse- & mental health services in Espoo (only in Finnish)

Mielenterveystalo – information and help for mental health issues, self assesment questionaries and many other services (only in Finnish)

There are also many other organizations and service providers that offer low threshold services around the country. Especially during the pandemic most of the services are available remotely and just by googling you can find the suitable services close to you. No one should be left alone with these issues, so don´t hesitate to ask for help if you are worried about yourself or someone close to you.

Kuva: Pixabay

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