Cafe Tin Tin Tango and MissionZeroFoodprint

Get to know Café Tin Tin Tango in Helsinki! This is another restaurant that is working with Mission Zero Foodprint in the battle of sustainability and doing whatever they can do to make a change for the future. A quick little back story about this establishment, we interviewed Tio Tikka to get to know them a little bit more.

They are a business that has started in 1993 and it has been a family-owned business but they are looking to take a bit more of an operational role in the future. They have five locations in total, which are located right in Helsinki. Four of their locations are in Töölö and the 5th location is in Kamppi. They also have their own small hotel and a wine importing business on top of everything else! This café has a total of 10 employees. The type of setting they have is on the casual side as well, they are known to serve breakfast all day, which is something they like to be known for doing.  I decided to ask them what is something they think would make them special or unique and that is that the restaurant is almost 30 years old, so it has a lot of history behind it and a lot of people will know this place as well. And starting last year they have added a 100sq meter of terrace for people to enjoy the outside. 

Their stance on sustainability is the café is looking to do the basics as of now such as doing whatever they can to minimize their waste. They are also using the digital solution Clonet which is being used to calculate carbon footprints. Their location in Töölö is the one that they are doing the testing and so far they have just calculated their breakfast menu which is currently listed on their menu now. On top of looking to calculate their carbon footprint of everything they sell, they want to try an approach where it’s not so ‘in your face’ and look to post the footprint of the foods on the menu or of some sort so the customers can see and make a decision for themselves.  Their future plans/things they are trying to achieve with the piloting is seeing if showing the carbon footprint of their menu items is going to have an effect on what products their customers choose.  Let’s hope that their showing of the footprints can make a big difference for the future! 

Be sure to head on to one of their 5 locations to give them some support and try them out while they are trying to make big changes for the future!   

Written by Brandon Horn

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