Thi Moe, Fariba Valizadeh, Khadija Ben Ikhlef
The project strives to create opportunities for parents to engage and become active participants in their children’s education.
Integration is vital for the success and well-being of immigrant families, positively impacting their children’s education and overall development.
Attendance: A few parents and students participated, around 15 people were there, and they enjoyed the snacks and the drinks, our team explained to the audience, the project’s purpose and answered the questions.
Questions and feedback: In turn, the team also asked the parents about their opinions about the event, their expectations, and their suggestions for activities to be added to the parental studio.
The feedback from attendees of the event was overwhelmingly positive. Many expressed a desire for more opportunities and events like this. Participants found the event beneficial for both parents and children, emphasizing its positive impact on the school community. Parents enjoyed actively engaging with the school, and children were thrilled to learn new information and experiences. The success of this event highlights the importance of encouraging unity and joy within the school. Stay tuned for more engaging opportunities in the future!
When reflecting on our project, we have one suggestion for success: having someone with an immigrant background actively involved in project implementation at school. While the school has multicultural teachers, their many responsibilities limit their availability to focus. Having someone familiar with the immigrant experience dedicated to guiding such projects can significantly enhance outcomes. Let’s continue working together to make these school and Laurea joint projects more impactful and inclusive! Having someone familiar with the immigrant experience dedicated to guiding such projects can significantly enhance outcomes. Let’s continue working together to make these school and Laurea joint projects more impactful and inclusive!
Title: Bridging the Gap: Empowering Immigrant Families in Education
Hello there! When it comes to nurturing a child’s educational journey, parents play a pivotal role. The support, involvement, and active engagement of parents in their children’s education can make a significant difference. This is especially true for immigrant families, where integration is not only a goal but a crucial factor for success and well-being. In this blog post, we’ll take you through a recent heart-warming event, called Smile, which aimed to create opportunities for parents to connect, engage, and become active participants in their children’s education.
The Project’s Mission: Empowering Parents
Imagine a world where every parent, regardless of their background, feels empowered to take an active role in their child’s education. That’s the heart of the project. We’re on a mission to empower parents within immigrant communities because we believe in the profound impact their involvement can have on their children’s education and overall development. It’s a mission that seeks to break down barriers and build bridges, fostering a sense of belonging and partnership among families and schools.
The Event: A Step Towards Unity
Our Smile event, though small in terms of attendance, was big on heart. We had about 15 parents and students join us, and it was a heart-warming and meaningful gathering. We wanted to make everyone feel welcome, so we offered snacks and drinks to create a relaxed and inviting atmosphere.
Our team took the opportunity to explain the project’s purpose and goals in a friendly, accessible way. We emphasized the importance of parents’ involvement in education. But the best part was when we opened the floor for questions and encouraged the audience to share their thoughts and concerns.
Questions and Feedback: A Two-Way Street
At this event, we wanted to emphasize that it’s not just about us talking to the audience; we wanted to listen as well. We asked parents about their opinions regarding the event, their expectations for the project, and their suggestions for activities to be added to what we’re calling the “Parental Studio.”
The feedback we received was incredibly valuable. Parents shared their experiences, their hopes for their children’s education, and their concerns about integration and engagement. We heard suggestions for various activities that could further bridge the gap between home and school.
Moving Forward Together
We measure the success of this event not by the number of attendees but by the connections made and the conversations started. We’re committed to taking these insights and using them to shape our project’s future activities. We believe that true integration and involvement are a two-way street, where both parents and schools have a role to play.
As we continue this heart-warming journey, we’re excited about the possibilities and the potential to make a lasting impact on the lives of immigrant families and their children. We invite you to join us on this mission, to empower parents, and to make a difference in the lives of young learners.
Together, we can bridge the gap, and create a brighter future for all. Your voice and your story matter, and we’re here to listen and learn from each other.
Suggested Solutions
In our project, SMILE, we wanted to make Hakunila a better place for everyone. We had some ideas to help parents and families connect and feel included.
One idea was to have workshops for parents. These workshops would teach them useful skills to support their kids in school and feel more confident.
We also suggested giving parents more chances to be part of school activities and decisions. This way, parents could play a big role in their child’s education and feel important in the school community.
One idea was creating a Parents’ Club, a special place where parents could meet, share experiences, and help each other. This would make them feel connected and strong as a community.
To make things more fun, we proposed adding exciting activities to the Parental Corner project. This would not only bring parents together but also involve their kids, creating a more enjoyable experience for everyone.
We had the idea to work with local helpers, like services or groups, to give extra support to parents. By introducing them, we could make sure parents have more resources and help.
A cultural exchange program was another suggestion. These programs would help parents from different backgrounds understand each other better and feel more connected.
Empowering parents was a big theme. We wanted to give parents more confidence through activities and by involving them. Creating a Parents’ Club would also make them feel valued and important.
Looking back on our SMILE project, we focused on being fair, breaking down barriers, and communicating well.
Thinking ahead, we believe more projects like SMILE are needed. Our goal is to build a strong and friendly Hakunila where every parent feels important and connected.

Tämä opiskelijaprojekti on osa Vantaan kaupungin ja Laurean totetuttamaa SMILE-hanketta. Lue lisää hankkeesta SMILE-hanke rahoitetaan osana Euroopan neuvoston kehityspankin (CEB) ja Euroopan komission välistä sopimusta, jonka tavoitteena on edistää maahanmuuttaneiden inkluusioita EU jäsenvaltioissa kehittämällä uusia yhteistyön ja rahoituksen muotoja. SMILE-hanke on suunnattu erityisesti EU:n ulkopuolelta tulleille vantaalaisille.